
True Love In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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True Love In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald's takes place sometime around 1922. The story is told by one of the main characters, Nick Carraway, a midwest native who moves to New York in search of the American dream. Nick, who is a writer, moves right next door to millionaire Jay Gatsby and across the bay lives his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom, who happens to also be rich. Throughout the story Nick is introduced into the, captivating world of the wealthy and is a first hand witness of the troubles that wealth brings out in friends and lovers. We all make the same common mistakes when it comes to money, which is thinking that the more money someone earns, the happier they would be. We tend to define a person’s life by the dollar …show more content…
Money can buy first impressions, but it cannot buy true love. True love comes from having mutual respect for one another, caring for someone other than yourself, sharing great experiences, and building a strong relationship together. It is proven that relationships that are based off of money rarely ever end up happy. The opposing side may argue that if someone buys their significant other more expensive items such a diamond ring that this will satisfy him/her and all your troubles will be gone, but if that's all it takes to have a successful relationship then you are in a unhealthy relationship. Therapist Aaron Ben-Zeev Ph.D. says, “Money can't buy love and love can't buy money, but money increases the chances of love and love decreases the need for money. When one is in love, money is of less significance, and when one lacks money for basic needs, love is often more at risk.” (Ben-Zeev) You should enjoy love regardless of whether you have a lot of money. Like when the song writer and artists The Beatles once said in their hit song Can't Buy me Love “Say you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfied. Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy. I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love.” …show more content…
Taking preventative action such as eating good, exercising, not smoking, and getting regular checks by the local physician is far better than relying on money to save someone once their body has failed them. My opponent might express that money can buy healthcare and medicine, but it cannot restore health once it is gone. One could spend a ton of money on treatments to try and replenish their once perfect health but it's an illusion. Writer and blogger Karen Hanrahan says, “We can't buy good health, no matter how much we have. We can buy profound medical treatments but actual good health is not for sale. Your health is priceless gift and it's only when we become sick do we get reminded how priceless it really is.” (Hanrahan) Once your health is demolished, not any amount of money will get it back. Like writer Sarah Breathnach Ban once said “If you have your health you have more wealth than all the riches in the world. A healthy mind, heart, reserves of stamina and an abundance of creative energy to draw on, will have the world literally lying at your feet – with good health you have it all.” (Mother) The definition of happiness is that state of being happy, with that being said if money makes someone or the person they love happy than continue spending money on one another, just realize that money can only buy you temporary love and happiness and once it's all gone that person will be left with nothing. Money can buy someone a big fancy cars and

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