
Sponge Method vs. Panning-for-Gold Approach

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Sponge Method vs. Panning-for-Gold Approach
Written Assignment #1 Reacting with what you hear and read through systematic evaluation is the skill of critical thinking. The ability to ask and answer a series of critical questions consists of this. There are three approaches to listening and reading that deal with critical thinking. These three approaches are the sponge approach, the panning for gold approach, and the filter approach. The sponge method is reacting like a sponge would do with water; to absorb it. There are a few advantages to this approach. The sponge method is a passive approach that does not require strenuous mental effort. The sponge methods primary effort involves concentration and memory. The sponge method is also relatively a quick and easy process. Along with advantages are disadvantages. A disadvantage of the sponge method is that it doesn’t provide a means for deciding which information and opinions you should believe and which you should reject. A common trend with the sponge method, which is a disadvantage, is that people who rely on the sponge method tend to believe whatever they last read. The panning for gold approach is an interactive approach. It can clarify important omissions through logical steps or procedures. The panning for gold approach separates what is useful or valuable from what is worthless. Using the panning for gold approach you must continue to frequently question the outcome as part of the process to critically evaluate and make better informed decisions. “The process of panning for gold provides a model for active readers and listeners as they try to determine the worth of what they read and hear.” You have to ask frequent question and reflect on the answers to distinguish the gold from the gravel in a conversation. “The sponge approach emphasizes knowledge acquisition; the panning-for-gold approach stresses active interaction with knowledge as it is being acquired.” With the sponge approach a person might read sentences more

Cited: Browne, M. Neil and Stuart M. Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Pearson. 2007. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Browne, M. Neil and Stuart M. Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking. (New Jersey: Pearson, 2007) 4. [ 2 ]. Browne, M. Neil and Stuart M. Keeley, Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking. (New Jersey: Pearson, 2007) 4.

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