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Same Love

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Same Love
Some people believe that marriage is a sacred institution, that should only be between a man and a woman, and that it's immoral for marriage to exist between same sex couples, as if their love is inferior. But who are they to stop ones inalienable rights to the Pursuit of happiness? I believe marriage should be legal for any two individuals that truly love each other, with the intentions of wanting to unite their lives together. This essay is intended to explain my reasons for believing so.
The United States currently only has 14 of the 50 states that have granted same sex marriage. Under the United States Constitution in the 14th amendment specifies equality for all men saying that state cannot “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Even though it may not be specifically speaking of gay marriage it does say stand for equality. And it is not fair for some to have the benefits of marriages but others cannot. All individuals should have the same rights in society, and to me personally this does not stand by our constitution by denying these rights.
People all have their reasons for denying it or accepting this lifestyle. Although, I believe religion is a huge reason for denying these rights. The Latter Day Saints church was a huge advocate for campaigning against Prop 8 in California. Prop 8 was a proposition to legalize Same Sex Marriage in California. According to official proponents, they estimated that the Mormons donated over half of the donations that were received for the campaign going against this proposition. However, in many faiths it is also frowned upon, believing that same sex marriage an unrighteous way of life that goes against Gods will. Basically In the religious view point marriage is a committed lifetime union between one man and one woman to procreate.
Procreation is needed for human existence; but how would a minority group of people stop procreation? There are many other circumstances that stop procreation like women who use birth control and married couples who are infertile. It seems to me that gay marriage in no way affects procreation if the other circumstances don’t. There are over 6 billion people on this earth; a small percentage of those people will not end offspring. And if homosexuality is wrong, then why would God have created one to be that way? If he knows your life’s path beforehand, I would think he made people the way they are for some reason. Although I understand why someone may feel the way they feel, for whatever reason; but I don’t understand how other peoples partner choice in life matters to others, if it in no way hurts/harms them.
We are now in the 21st century, a time where we should be progressing and looking past others differences. We should be learning from our past mistakes of injustice on other groups and accepting people for who they are. As Americans clearly we are not progressing as a society/country enough. Everyone deserves the right to happiness and love is love no matter what gender you prefer. A persons preference should not make them frowned upon or treated unfairly by society.

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