
How Does Steinbeck Present Prejudice In The 1930's

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How Does Steinbeck Present Prejudice In The 1930's
Today prejudice issues have improved a lot since 1930’s, this has only been the case for 30 or 40 years. But they are still little problems such as the Ku Klux Klan. This is a secret organization founded in the southern states during Reconstruction to terrorize and intimidate former slaves and prevent them from voting or holding public office. In the book people wouldn’t even talk to Crooks and they could be hanged for no reason. Today, this would never happen, this might be because now we are more civilized but between 1930 and now it is a whole different world out there. Crooks from ‘’Of Mice and Men’’ its used to prejudice all his life since he lives in the time period were people were racist to blacks. Also in the movie ‘’What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’’ Arnie’s mom is prejudice all the time because of her size and people always give her dirty looks. Both of this characters have to live their life lonely because people always leave them out of things. Crooks lives alone and Arnie’s mom might as well live alone because her family leaves her out all …show more content…
He says, "That ranch we’re goin’ to is right down there about a quarter mile. We’re gonna go in an’ see the boss. Now, look—I’ll give him the work tickets, but you ain’t gonna say a word. You jus’ stand there and don’t say nothing. If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we won’t get no job, but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, we’re set." (p.44) This shows how George thinks Lennie might be useless if the boss heard him talk. For this reason George is very careful not to let Lennie talk in front of people because he might ruined their opportunities. Just like George, Arnie’s family thinks their mom is useless because of her weight and that she can’t do anything around the house. People thinking they are useless does not give them the opportunity to do what they want to do in their

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