
Donald Trump Make America Great Again

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Donald Trump Make America Great Again
On November 8 2016, Donald Trump swept the race with 279 electoral votes. While Hillary won the popular vote, she gathered just 228 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election. It might sound strange; but that is how the American Electoral College system works. This makes Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States of America. Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great again” with all the people reacting to Trumps hard stances on important issues will Trump make America great again? This paper is going to look at how Trump’s presidency will affect the field of recreation, parks, tourism and administration. Looking at Trump’s stance on tourism, and natural resource management.

Natural Resource Management
When looking
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In a debate in September Trump said, “I’ll refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air and clean, safe drinking water while cutting the budget of the EPA by 70-80%” (Trump, 2016). Donald Trump changed his stance on the EPA three times; starting with eliminating the program to cutting some of the funding to the program. This is very unsettling not only because the EPA protects human health, passing federal laws to protect human health, the environment, international trade, and the global environment. All of these effect the recreation, parks, tourism, and administration directly by cutting jobs in the natural resource management sector. National parks will be effected because the EPA controls and regulates many different things in the national parks such as pollution and …show more content…
One of these views are the deportation of foreign people. Trump is talking about deporting people and building a wall at the Mexican border, people are going out of their way to target foreign people with speech as well as violence. If this continues, people from other countries will not want to come to the United States anymore in fear of danger. Trump also talked about making security to get into the country stronger, while making security stronger you are also raising the price to travel abroad. Today more money is spent in the United States by international travelers than anywhere else in the world. The United States is known for being a melting pot of cultures, if that is taken away then why would anyone want to travel to the United States. Many people from other countries dream of traveling to the United States; they should be allowed to visit the United States the same as we are allowed to visit their countries. Charging people absurd prices to leave or enter the country will make tourism unfordable. Other countries may act and close off connections with the United States for example not let us into their countries or stop trading with us, some might also raise their prices to enter their countries which would stop tourism all together. The tourism sector would be nonexistent and many people would lose the ability to see family

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