
Does Freedom Need To Be Won More Than Once

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Does Freedom Need To Be Won More Than Once
Does Freedom Need To Be Won More Than Once?

“Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” this quote by Coretta Scott King, a civil rights activist, shows us her opinion on freedom. What’s yours? Do you believe that freedom was won a long time ago, or do you think it is won every generation? I feel that it is earned every generation. Each new generation needs to prove that they are worthy of freedom, and that they can handle it.

The early settlers of Great Britain’s North American Colonies brought with them the awaited idea of freedom. Freedom was the main reason they left Britain and moved to the new land. The king was controlling them and they wanted to get away. Their freedom was won by the new Americans in the Revolutionary war. They got complete freedom from England. Soon, they were able to become independent and free from all British control. Today we don’t go to war to get freedom. Our freedom is partly won from our early settlers. We may have minor confusions or conflicts, but they usually get resolved very quickly. We have to earn our freedom by following rules and doing our part in society today.
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I feel that some freedom is passed down from our ancestors. Yet we have to earn some in society. Every generation has to earn freedom in some way. Whether it be a minor way or a big way. Earning freedom may not be as difficult as earning it back in the 1800s, but we still earn it. We may not notice it but people judge on your acts on others and yourself, and that affects your

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