
Declaration of independence Analysis

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Declaration of independence Analysis
US History November 18, 2013 Declaration of Independence Analysis

1. What power do all men have according to the beginning of the Declaration of Independence? According to the Declaration of Independence all men have the right to state the problems and reasons that they are going to separate from Britain. Laws of Nature and of Nature's god entitle them means give us at least a little bit of respect so we can share our opinion how how the British rule is impacting us. The colonies were trying to state they were uniting the bands that Britain has on them and that they are trying to get away from their powerful government. All men have the power to list the reasons why they want to separate. The colonists have to state this because the British won't listen to them they would just want to invade. The beginning of the document was giving the colonists a freedom in speech against the british because they were not going to stay for their harassment anymore.

2. What three natural or unalienable rights do men have? The colonist believed that all men have unalienable rights, rights that were not to be taken away from us. They were a set of rights that were given to us by our creator. The unalienable rights are Life,Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right to life is a right to the people to provide for themselves and sustain their own life by making a living for themselves. This right gives you the ability to be wealthy or deprived based on you own effort. The right to liberty protects your ability to think and act for yourself and believe in what you want to believe in. The pursuit of happiness allows you to live you life how you want to live it, and the ability to live your life for yourself not for the government or society. These rights you obtain naturally and even the government is not to take away these rights. The government is disigned to to protect these rights.

3. According to the document where do

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