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Abortion Should Not Be Permitted in Any Country

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Abortion Should Not Be Permitted in Any Country
1.many religion as islam or Christian does not permit us to do abortion
(Our religion doesn't permit us for that. And for the sake of argument that she wouldn't forget her past if she has that baby well. After abortion what shall she do. Live in the dark and that rapist is looking for another victims. In my religion (Islam) abortion is forbidden. Lekin like Simi said I was exactly thinking of rape and stuff, what if the woman is like raped and got pregnant like that. However Islam says that a woman should not be going outside or to certain places where there is no mehram to go with her (something like that I am not quoting anything here by the way, its what I have come to know through discussions and stuff I have read). So why was the woman alone at that time when she got raped, what position was she in? I mean I know its not nice for the woman, I understand I am a woman myself. But its just, it makes you think?)
(the women pregnant is the give of God, so they should not do abortion. woman was pregnant and the doc's found out her baby had a heart problem and they said she ownt live long, maybe a few months so its better you have it removed. The woman said no, Allah gave me this child and I will keep it and take care of it. So she had the baby, spent most of the time in hospital with her (it was a girl) and the baby has had like 3 heart surgeries(major ones) and she is MAshaAllah 4 years old now. She does need help while walking. She couldnt walk till she was 3 yrs. She could only eat thru a straw till she was 3, now MashaAllah she can eat and drink more normally. But walking is still a bit of a problem. But when that child smiles and laughs uff Iits so nice to see. She is fully enjoying the gift of life that she has received. When I see her my eyes fill up...I mean she is so little has been thru too much already and yet she is enjoying her life with joy and laughter. I just thought I'd share this with you. May Allah give her strength and a long healthy life, Amen. Abortion is a crime in many religion.But abortion is also a gift same wise.

2.toipc sentence( abortion is murder )
Anyway personally I do think of abortion as murder...I mean there is this little life inside of the woman...innocent...even if the act by which it is produced is not innocent.
Every year in our country over a million children are murdered before they take their first breath out of their mother's womb. Abortion is no longer a serious medical procedure in this country; the practice of poisoning and removing a fetus from the womb is now used as a form of birth control. How can we, as American, claim to stand for human rights while we allow the most vulnerable members of society to be murdered in cold blood. For me abortion is not about choice; it's about infanticide.

I could never be for abortion because murder, for any reason, is wrong. Yes, if those frozen embryos are conceived human beings, then yes, to kill them is murder, and what we need to do is refine our in-vitro process so that only one conception can possibly take place, and still have as good a chance of surviving until and through implantation. We don't choose our gametes when having sex, so if we can't choose our gametes in-vitro, it doesn't matter, especially where human life is involved. The main reason for my position is because it makes no logical sense whatsoever to be justified to kill someone merely because they are not yet fully developed. I mean where do we get off deciding that because someone doesn't yet look human, we are able to justifiably murder them? Does that make sense to anyone, really? That it's okay to murder someone because they are not yet fully developed and are fully dependent upon their mother, really? This makes sense to people
Let's face it people, deep down in your very souls, you know that killing a child for any reason is wrong. It does not matter how small they are, or how they were conceived. We are talking about children- babies- beautiful, amazing, small human lives, who did not have anything to do with how they were conceived. They do not deserve to be seen as inconveniences, burdens, or parasites. They are our future. A third of my generation is dead because they were inconvenient, too expensive, or came at a time that was not good for their mother. Millions of my generation- and of the future of this world- wiped out. Gone. I ask you- is that okay?

4.if abortion is permited, it may causes the increasing of sex before marriage.
For one a couple have unprotected sex and then the pregnancy reports come positive..IF they abort now..its a crime against humanity !! however, if you are one of the people out there using abortion as birth control because you are too irresponsible I don’t get it. If you can afford an abortion you can afford birth control and if you are so opposed to getting pregnant well there is contraception and well how about you don’t have sex? For the ones getting abortions funded because you have a low income, I am pretty sure Medicaid also provides free contraception. A way we could fix these issues is to take away each states guidelines for when you are allowed to get your tubes tied. If you truly dont want children, and you cannot be responsible enough to either use protection or not have sex, get your tubes tied! Stop killing babies and justifying it

5.The babies inside the women uterus should not killed.

children should be saved not killed because a women has a right. Is it right to kill anyone? Is it right to take a way a child's life away before they even have a chance to live it. You can give women a choice, but is it okay to kill someone. You can talk about morality all you want. It is never right to kill someone no matter where you are. I am a women that never wants to make that choice. I am a women that does not even want that option open for me to take. I have a great respect for people, but there is rights and then there are rights that you can take away from people that never even get the chance to be alive. That is so much worst than any crime any person can commit. You would have at least 5 more people in your life if babies were not allowed to be aborted.

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